Friday 29 December 2017

Dentist Adwords: Key Points To Consider While Running Your Dental PPC Campaigns

Dental Clinic Pay Per Click Campaigns

A large number of dentists invest in Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns today to get new clients. But, several dentists end up wasting their money because they lack knowledge and expertise to conduct PPC for dentists. If you want to start with a PPC campaign for your dental clinic, you must avoid mistakes. Consider the following key points to make the most of PPC for dentists and gain high results from your campaign.

For more information about Pay Per Click Campaigns and Local SEO in Edmonton, contact Rapid Boost Marketing.

Friday 22 December 2017

Three Step Strategy To Convert Offline Leads Using Online Marketing

Welcome to daily 5-minute Business Growth lessons for service providers. Are you a Dentist, Realtor, Lawyer, Accountant, Plumber, Consultant or Contractor….If you provide services locally than this podcast is for you. Here we share strategies, tricks, techniques on how to generate leads, grow your revenue and sales.

Join us every day for 5 minutes and take away strategies which you can apply in your business.

For more information about Online Marketing services, contact an Edmonton Marketing Agency.

Saturday 16 December 2017

How Can Lawyers And Law Firms Start With Content Marketing

However, we are living in a digital age today. This is a big advantage for your legal firm. You are not constrained to traditional methods of advertising. Rather, your firm is now open to a new way of reaching out to the market and attracting customers. It includes emails, websites, social media, search engines and much more. Platforms like Google and Facebook have completely changed the way people interact with the web. The digital world offers a unique way for your law firm to reach out to clients and expand its business. To fully tap into the digital world’s potential, you have to start with content marketing.

For more information about content marketing, contact an Edmonton SEO Company.

Friday 8 December 2017

How To Build A Successful Social Media Marketing Plan For Your Local Business

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a local plumber, dentist, doctor, accountant or a lawyer who is trying to with bring exponential growth to the business, a VP of Sales trying to optimize your sales & marketing, or a CMO wanting to get greater ROI from your marketing and sales department this podcast is for you.

For more information about social media marketing plan, contact an Edmonton marketing agency.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Google Analytics 101

Have you set up your website? Are you running an advertising campaign? Does your email campaign link to a landing page on your website? There is one question that I always ask myself when I set up a website or when I run a digital campaign – Is it working? This is where Google Analytics comes in. It’s a tool that plays a massive role in answering this question.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free tool offered by Google which tracks and offers data on how the traffic interacts with your website. For example, the most basic information you can expect is to know how many people visited your website, where are they coming from, and for how long they were on your site.

For more about Google analytics and Edmonton Internet Marketing, contact Rapid Boost Marketing.